ques from prime no.

find all prime numbers that we can write like this : 2^2^n + 5; with `n` as an integer

There 'll be no such as

There 'll be no such as prime number as any number of the form 4^n + 5 is always divisible by 3.

Question: Find all prime

Question: Find all prime numbers that we can write like this : 2^2^n + 5; with `n` as an integer. It is true that for any integer n > 0, the given number will be of the form (4^n) + 5 and will be divisible by 3, but note that 'n' is an integer and 0 is also an integer and for n = 0, we have (2^2^0) + 5 = 7, which is a Prime Number. Hence there is only one value of n for which the expression 2^2^n + 5 is a prime number and that is for n = 0 and the result is 7. Thank You Ravi Raja

Good PointSomehow I missed

Good Point Somehow I missed it